Monday, December 1, 2008
Mucho trabajo
t was great to see my family this weekend. My aunts, uncle, grandmother, and cousins visited from Buffalo, so we had a full house. They all left yesterday, though, so things will certainly be quiet when I get home tonight. I worked all weekend, too, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. The state of the economy is clearly lessening everyone's Christmas spending.
Tonight when I go home I have to write 11 journals for my Feminist Philosophy class (probably should have started those sooner), and I have two papers due later in the week. I am already counting down until the weekend. At least Friday is Reading Day, so there is extra time to study and finish assignments. Unfortunately, I do have to commute into the city that day, though, because there is a study session for my Spanish exam (I get 10 extra points on my final for going, so it's kind of worth waking up for).
As for next week, I only have two finals, so it will be a somewhat easy week. I also have to come in next Thursday because my SU101 students are presenting their final projects. They are such an amazing group and I am really sad that the class is ending.
What I am most looking forward to, though, is my departure to London! It is 58 days away and I cannot wait. I should probably take a look at my InterFuture Project Plan sometime soon, though. All that thing has been doing lately is collecting dust.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Wednesday, my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandmother from Buffalo are driving to North Andover to stay with us for the weekend. I love seeing them, but this definitely makes for a crowded house. It will be a nice weekend, though, especially considering that we are getting our Christmas tree on Friday!
Unfortunately, I am also working at Aeropostale on Friday. Black Friday. I wonder if I will get out alive.
Somewhere in there I am going to try to get a lot of my work done. All of my final papers are due within days of each other and I want to get some kind of start on them before next week. That is probably wishful thinking, though.
Ah, well. Thanksgiving is meant for good company and relaxation. Papers can wait.
Have a wonderful holiday weekend!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Such is life
Lately, I have been especially plagued with this question. See, I am a planner. An overly compulsive, neurotic planner. I am also someone who is trying to come to terms with the fact that things hardly ever turn out exactly how I attempt to plan them. At any rate, I just typed "what should I do with my life?" into the Google search bar. I am distraught.
I know I have time. I am only a junior, and I plan to go to graduate school, so a long-term career is not anywhere in the near future for me. But I know that in a year or two when I sit down with grad school brochures and applications, I will have an ounce more insight than I would have had I not worried about it now. And so I plan.
But should I go to law school or get a Master's degree? And if I get a Master's, do I continue studying English, or do I pursue Education? And if I teach, do I teach high school? The funny thing is, I know I won't become an attorney if I go to law school. I want to go into public service. So, whether I become a teacher or a public servant, I will be poor and living in a box. At least that is cleared up for me.
I have also been considering what to do immediately upon graduation. Yes, this is over a year away, but once I come back from England I need to decided whether or not I will apply for graduate schools in the fall. I do think I will wait, though. I want to either get a job and work for a year after graduation or get involved with a program like AmeriCorps or Teach for America, things I have been looking into for a while now. Perhaps after taking this time off, I will be more sure about what I want to do.
Until then, I will continue to plan, dismiss any and all plans I make, and hopefully end up being substantially happy.
Monday, November 10, 2008
And Obama won the election. It is a very exciting time to be an American.
As far as school things go, everything is the same. I have five trillion papers due in two weeks and haven't really thought about any of them. Events of campus have been plentiful lately, though. Last week I wrote an article for the Suffolk Voice about John Sigler's visit to Suffolk. Sigler is the President of the National Rifle Association and spoke about Second Amendment rights and the election. Although I did not agree with many of Sigler's views, it was certainly an interesting opportunity to hear him speak.
For now, the biggest thing on my mind has been the pilot study for my InterFuture project. Last month I really dug into it, but I have been slacking lately. Between that and all of the end of semester assignments, I know I have my work cut out for me.
Short post today. Enjoy the week!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Decisions, Decisions

Last week was pretty hectic, with quite a few assignments due and InterFuture Take III due on Friday, but it was nice to take a break from it all and go to see the Boston Ballet's Cinderella with my mom. We were lucky enough to get inexpensive seats really close to the stage, and the show was great! The picture to the right is from I was checking out the website and am already looking forward to their performance of the Nutcracker!
One of the major perks of living at home this semester is that I get to spend a lot of time with my three year-old brother, John, before I head off to London for three months. While he may get a little obnoxious sometimes, I have loved spending extra time with him this semester. This Saturday my parents threw their annual Halloween party (they think they are 15), so I agreed to John duty all day. Once I got home from working the Student to Student Information Session, we went to the playground and had a blast. Then, we had a "slumber party" in the basement. I will certainly miss him when I'm gone for three months.
Friday, October 17, 2008
This weekend is a big one on campus - Family Weekend. Suffolk offers all kinds of activities for students to take part in with their families like Duck Tours and a trip to the Museum of Science. Tonight, I am attending Fall Fest, a variety show put on by the Performing Arts Office. Then, I'm spending the night in Boston and working at the Student to Student Info Session tomorrow morning.
As far as classes go, things are going smoothly. I had a midterm in my Race and Politics in South Africa class today and that went really well, and the due date for Take III of my nterFuture project has been extended. I can definitely deal with that.
Next week looks like it will be pretty busy. I am on the editorial staff of Suffolk's literary magazine, Venture, and we are having our first selections meeting. I can't wait to read the submissions we have received so far. What I am most looking forward to, though, is seeing the Boston Ballet's performance of Cinderella next Wednesday with my mom:)
I am surprisingly calm for this point in the semester. There is a lot of work and I'm constantly running all over campus, but the leaves are falling and London is only three months away. Ah, life.
Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008
I need a vacation
The days are starting to blur together and I'm losing sleep. The work is piling up, too. I guess the commute is starting to weigh me down. Hopefully I will be able to re-charge over the weekend and start fresh next week.
Tonight I am staying in Boston with my friend Sarah to see St. Vincent and Death Cab for Cutie at the Agganis Arena. Then, tomorrow night there is an InterFuture event at Suffolk. Current InterFuture scholars are going to present their research to us before they submit their projects. I am hoping that hearing current scholars present their work will push me in the right direction with my own. I have started contacting people for interviews for the United States portion of my project, so life is a little crazy right now.
Just a short post for today. I am about to head downstairs to give a tour at 3. Hopefully it won't be too chilly out there.
Monday, September 22, 2008
My Life is Full of Wonderful Cakes
The Temple Street Fair went very well last week. A lot of my SU101 students were there, and I was happy to see them signing up for clubs. I wrote an article about it for the Suffolk Voice. You should read it.

This weekend, I was lucky enough to celebrate my 20th birthday with my favorite people. Friday, I went to Al Dente, one of my favorite restaurants in the North End, with my fellow Ambassador, Beckee, and my friends Nick and Jess. Then, we went back to Beckee's apartment where the cutest surprise party ever was waiting for me:) And! Beckee made me a wonderful cake - a giant cupcake! When I first decided to commute this semester, I was worried about staying connected to my friends, but this weekend proved to me that I have met amazing people here at Suffolk who I will

Then, on Friday my boyfriend, Chris and I went to Villa Francesca in the North End (another one of my favorites!). It was a great night in the city. Afterwards, we went to Finale for dessert and got fondue! I am so happy that I got to spend my birthday weekend in the city - I love everything about Boston.
Now, another week has begun. I have a huge InterFuture submission due today, but I think I have it under control. I really couldn't be happier with the start of Fall weather and the great schedule I have this semester. Things are sure to get crazy at some point, but for now, I'm taking it all in.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Week 2 Begins
Lately, I have become quite the Food Network fiend. So much, in fact, that after watching Ace of Cakes, my mom and I decided to try our luck at a cheeseburger cake for my boyfriend's birthday this weekend. After finding pictures of many a cheeseburger-cake-gone-wrong in my Google searches, I was pretty worried, but it came out surprisingly well!
Now it is Monday, however, and I can no longer bask in my cheeseburger cake glory. Oh, who am I kidding. I am going to bask in my cheeseburger cake glory forever. But, anyways, today is a fairly laid back day. I just had two classes and am working in the office until 5:30. Then, after work I am attending free college night at the Museum of Science!
As for tomorrow, the Temple Street Fair is taking place during Activities Period. This is when many of the clubs and organizations at Suffolk set up tables and hand out flyers to inform students of what they do on campus. It is a great opportunity for students to find out about clubs that interest them so that they will get involved! They also have food, games, and prizes, so it makes for a very fun afternoon.
I am also looking forward to Wednesday because the SU101 class that I am a Teaching Assistant for will be handing in their Scavenger Hunt findings! Last week, we gave them a list of things to find on Suffolk's campus and around Downtown Boston in order to get familiar with the area and the resources our community offers. On Wednesday, we are collecting their results and determining the winners!
And last, but not least, Thursday is my birthday! It is sure to be an interesting day, as I am spending the evening at my three year-old brother's pre-school ice cream social. He's super cute so I decided a picture of him was blog-worthy.
All in all, I love September. Enjoy the week!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Back to the Blog!
Long time no blog! After a long and busy summer, another semester is well underway here at Suffolk. Books have been bought, classes have begun, and in my case, a Commuter Rail pass has been secured.
As far as the summer went, I had an internship at the State House and spent a lot of time catching up with old friends. I also went on two InterFuture conferences to plan and design the research topic that I will be studying when I go to London next semester. InterFuture is a study abroad program that gives me the unique ability to study a topic of my choice while I am abroad instead of taking classes. I am studying the accessibility and use of contraceptives among secondary students in London and potentially South Africa. Planning all of this certainly kept me busy this summer!
That was summer, though, and now it is time for school! Honestly, I was very ready to come back to Suffolk and get into the daily grind. So far, I love all of my classes. I am taking Spanish 201, Race and Politics in South Africa (to aid me in my InterFuture endeavors), Feminist Philosophy, and the Built World, a science class that I am taking online. And of course, I am working as a Trustee Ambassador in Admissions and as an SU101 Teaching Assistant again. These jobs have been, by far, two of the most rewarding things I have done with my time at Suffolk.
Overall, I am ecstatic to be back on the streets of Boston for classes, work, and club meetings. I am slowly growing accustomed to my daily rides on the Commuter Rail, too, so I predict that this semester will be a fantastic one!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Sigh of Relief
I was really surprised by how difficult my finals were this semester. In all honesty, I think I started to get comfortable knowing I could coast and still get by. I guess I needed a wake up call.
Most people have already moved out of the dorms or are leaving at some point tomorrow. Thankfully, I am not moving out until Saturday morning so I still have time to pack. With tonight being most of my friends' last night in the city, quite the itinerary has been prepared. First, a bunch of us are going to some indoor rock climbing place (mind you, I've never done this and absolute hilarity will ensue), then we're going to see Iron Man (not quite sure how I feel about this, but I will at least enjoy the company), and then we are going to hang out by the harbor until the sun comes up (version 2.0).
I'm pretty bummed about leaving Boston for the summer. Of course, I will be back in September, but this time as a commuter instead of living in the dorms. Being in Miller Hall this year has been especially nice since most of my friends live just a couple floors away. Taking the commuter rail into the city 4 days a week next semester will be a huge change. I think it will all be worth it, though, when I am studying abroad next spring.
Being home, especially for the summer, will have its perks. I do miss being in the suburbs, driving, and seeing my friends from high school. After many a hum-drum summer, I decided to make a list of things I want to do before my vacation is over. My list is now 38 items long and growing, so I will be keeping quite busy.
And here is the end of my final blog post of spring 2008. I think I am being a little dramatic (surprise). Ah well, here is to a happy, safe, and relaxing summer, and an even better fall 2008 semester. After all, I only have 2 more years left of the college life.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Tourists are Everywhere
Anyways, I figure the last Friday of the semester is as good a time as any to update all of you wonderful blog readers on what's been happening lately.
Last week the launch party for Venture, Suffolk's literary magazine went extremely well. The food was amazing and a lot of people did readings of their work. The SGA Leadership Award Ceremony was the following night, and was a success as well. The Voice didn't bring home Best Student Organization, but we'll get 'em next year.
As far as this week goes, things have been pretty low key. I just gave my last tour of the year and am getting ready to head back to the dorms for a weekend of studying. I am certainly not looking forward to my Biology and Spanish finals next week.
I guess that's it over here, though. Things have definitely been winding down these past few weeks. Only one more and I will be North Andover bound once again. Hopefully I will get a chance to blog sometime next week amid paper writing and final exams.
Until then,
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Blog Overload
Tuesdays are always wonderful because I don't have to be up for anything until the Voice meeting at 1:00. Now, I'm in the office for a few hours before my Culturally Responsive Education class at 4:30. If only Mondays and Wednesdays were this laid back. After class tonight, though, I have a group meeting for a Spanish skit we are performing tomorrow. It's a big part of our grade, so hopefully it will go well.
Tonight won't be as laid back as the day was, unfortunately. I will be memorizing my lines for the Spanish skit, writing an English paper, reading Biology, and writing an article for the Voice. Hopefully I will get to bed at a reasonable hour. My sleeping pattern is atrocious.
I just got an e-mail about our end of the year Ambassador dinner. I really cannot believe how quickly this semester has flown by. The weather has started to get nicer the past few days, though, so I really can't ask for more. I'm hoping it will stay this way through summer. Another drop of rain and I might explode.
Enjoy the sun:)
Monday, April 14, 2008
And So It Begins...
Amid writing a research paper and preparing a group project, I will be able to enjoy some perks this week. Wednesday is the launch of Suffolk's literary magazine, Venture. I worked on the Editorial Staff of the magazine this year and am really looking forward to the event. Then, on Thursday I will be attending the SGA Leadership Awards. Nominated students, clubs, and organizations will be recognized for their active efforts and involvement on campus. It should be a good time. Seems as though there will be a lot of free food in my future.
This week also marks my very last Biology lab EVER. There could not be more of a reason to celebrate.
After these two weeks go by, I will have three final exams and then it will be time to move out of Miller Hall. I am not looking forward to the packing process, or to saying goodbye to everyone here, but it will be nice to get back to North Andover for the summer. If all goes well, I will have a summer internship along with my hostessing job I've had since high school. Keeping busy and saving money will be key.
I will be leaving the office soon and taking a much needed nap. Then, it's time to hit the books and get ready for the week ahead.
Friday, April 4, 2008
I Need an Umbrella
Lots going on this week. The 50th issue of The Suffolk Voice was a huge hit. From now on, the online publication will be coming out twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) instead of the usual once a week. We're moving up in the world.
Also, last night I went to the Performing Arts Dinner Theater Performance of Murder on the Campaign Trail. We were able to pay for it with our meal plans and the performance was great. A good time was had by all.
And of course, tomorrow is the accepted students Showcase for the Business School. I'm beginning to think that I will spend the entirety of Sunday sleeping.
Oh! And, last but not least, in the happiest bit of news from the week, I have been accepted as a 2009 InterFuture scholar. InterFuture is a unique study abroad program where I will be given the opportunity to design and carry out my own independent research project while studying abroad. It's going to be very intense, but I am so excited!
Time to go work in the office.
Enjoy the weekend!
Friday, March 28, 2008
I Love Fridays and My Friends
Most of my weekend will be filled with writing papers and working, so I am looking forward to milking this wonderful Friday for all it's worth. Tonight I am headed to my favorite spot in the North End, Al Dente, for my friend Jess' birthday. Then, we're going to get together with some others for what I imagine will be an enjoyable evening. I feel so lucky to have made such meaningful friendships here at Suffolk. In the past two years, I have met some of the most amazing people I know.
Sunday will be sure to set the pace for the chaotic week ahead, as I will be up bright and early to give tours at the accepted students Showcase event. It will be a long day, but it is always nice to spend some time with the Ambassador group.
Aside from papers and exams, there is a Dinner Theatre performance next week, as well as the 50th issue of the Suffolk Voice (yes, I mentioned this before, and yes, I will mention it again). At least there are a couple fun things to get me through the week.
So, here I am on this rainy Friday keeping my fingers crossed for a relaxing, sunny weekend. With a friend's birthday to celebrate and Showcase on Sunday, though, I will without a doubt be in good company, and really, what more can one ask for?
Happy Weekend,
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I Am Technologically Deficient

Anyways, I have returned from Spring Break and am getting into the daily grind again. I enjoyed being home for a week with my family, but it is nice to be back in the city with everyone. After all, there is only a month left in the semester. I really cannot believe that this year went by so quickly.
I left for Spring Break on an especially happy note, as my friend, Brian LeFort was elected President of the SGA. Beckee (my fellow Ambassador) and I ordered a cake with Brian's picture on it from Mike's Pastries in the North End and celebrated with a big group of friends. It was a wonderful way to kick off the weekend.
Next week looks to be a little crazy with a Biology exam and two papers due. Also, next Wednesday will mark The Suffolk Voice's 50th issue. I have been writing for The Voice since November and have loved every minute of it. For such a young organization, The Voice is constantly expanding and making a name for itself on campus. READ IT! :)
That's all for now, though. Enjoy the week!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Stress Free Life
SGA Executive Board elections are next week, so yesterday was the first ever SGA Open Forum. It was actually really interesting to hear from the candidates and ask them questions. One of the students running for President is a good friend of mine, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! When students aren't involved on campus they often feel disconnected from the SGA and the Suffolk community, but I really think he could work to bring the student body closer together. No matter where one ends up for college, getting involved can make a world of difference. Through my work as a Trustee Ambassador, SU101 TA, Voice writer, and Venture Editorial Staff member, I have had some of the most amazing experiences and made some of the greatest friendships.
The rest of the week went well. No exams or papers due, so things were carefree and I couldn't be happier. Tuesday I spent a couple hours helping conduct interviews for next year's SU101 TAs (SU101 aims to help students with the transition from high school to college). It was fun to be on the other end of the interview process and hear from students. Then, on Wednesday I enjoyed a trip to the MFA with one of my friends. We get free admission with our Suffolk IDs, so it's definitely something to take advantage of.
Next week might be a little more hectic. I have more TA interviews, an English midterm, and a Spanish essay due. I also have to go to Harvard's Museum of Comparative Zoology for my Biology class. So, school is definitely keeping me busy. Classes for next semester are available to look at online now, so I've been planning my classes for the fall. I think I am going to take two classes for my English major and my second Science requirement. I'm not sure what my fourth class will be, but I still have time to figure it out. Hopefully I will be able to sort things out after I go for advising. Every student is matched with a faculty member in their department to help them plan what classes to take. It's been a great asset to me here.
Other than that, not much else is happening. Tonight two of my friends from home are coming into the city to visit me so that should be exciting!
Here's to a happy weekend,
Monday, March 3, 2008
Happy Monday!
Tonight will be spent reading up on my Biology (ugh) and writing an article for The Suffolk Voice (link to the right!). Lately, I've been writing articles about different Beacon Hill attractions. Sometimes we get so caught up in classes and work that we forget about all the city has to offer, but I've been venturing out to boutiques, restaurants, etc. and reporting my findings. It's been a great way to take advantage of the city. There really is nothing better than being in Downtown Boston.
This weekend was very low key. I must admit, though, I spent a significant amount of time getting food in the North End (more than once). Between the pasta, pastries, and pizza, it's impossible not to eat there constantly. Yesterday I just hung around the dorm and caught up on some homework. I'm really going to miss living in Miller Hall next year. At least I'll still get to take in that 19th floor view whenever I give tours!
So, on this 48 degree Monday, I am pretty content:) I'm sure the week will bring some chaos, but with the sun shining and my new affinity for cranberry apple tea, I think it's going to be a good one.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Finally Friday...
That's it for today, though. I'm working in Admissions and documents in need of filing are calling my name.