Monday, September 22, 2008

My Life is Full of Wonderful Cakes

I really do love September. But I need to stop wearing flip flops.

The Temple Street Fair went very well last week. A lot of my SU101 students were there, and I was happy to see them signing up for clubs. I wrote an
article about it for the Suffolk Voice. You should read it.

This weekend, I was lucky enough to celebrate my 20th birthday with my favorite people. Friday, I went to Al Dente, one of my favorite restaurants in the North End, with my fellow Ambassador, Beckee, and my friends Nick and Jess. Then, we went back to Beckee's apartment where the cutest surprise party ever was waiting for me:) And! Beckee made me a wonderful cake - a giant cupcake! When I first decided to commute this semester, I was worried about staying connected to my friends, but this weekend proved to me that I have met amazing people here at Suffolk who I will
stay connected to no matter where I am.

Then, on Friday my boyfriend, Chris and I went
to Villa Francesca in the North End (another one of my favorites!). It was a great night in the city. Afterwards, we went to Finale for dessert and got fondue! I am so happy that I got to spend my birthday weekend in the city - I love everything about Boston.

Now, another week has begun. I have a huge InterFuture submission due today, but I think I have it under control. I really couldn't be happier with the start of Fall weather and the great schedule I have this semester. Things are sure to get crazy at some point, but for now, I'm taking it all in.

1 comment:

Haley said...

I liked your article, especially since I', in it :)
i put the link on my page,as well.
I want to join the Voice. Hook me up.