Thursday, November 13, 2008

Such is life

What am I going to do with my life?

Lately, I have been especially plagued with this question. See, I am a planner. An overly compulsive, neurotic planner. I am also someone who is trying to come to terms with the fact that things hardly ever turn out exactly how I attempt to plan them. At any rate, I just typed "what should I do with my life?" into the Google search bar. I am distraught.

I know I have time. I am only a junior, and I plan to go to graduate school, so a long-term career is not anywhere in the near future for me. But I know that in a year or two when I sit down with grad school brochures and applications, I will have an ounce more insight than I would have had I not worried about it now. And so I plan.

But should I go to law school or get a Master's degree? And if I get a Master's, do I continue studying English, or do I pursue Education? And if I teach, do I teach high school? The funny thing is, I know I won't become an attorney if I go to law school. I want to go into public service. So, whether I become a teacher or a public servant, I will be poor and living in a box. At least that is cleared up for me.

I have also been considering what to do immediately upon graduation. Yes, this is over a year away, but once I come back from England I need to decided whether or not I will apply for graduate schools in the fall. I do think I will wait, though. I want to either get a job and work for a year after graduation or get involved with a program like AmeriCorps or Teach for America, things I have been looking into for a while now. Perhaps after taking this time off, I will be more sure about what I want to do.

Until then, I will continue to plan, dismiss any and all plans I make, and hopefully end up being substantially happy.

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