Monday, September 8, 2008

Back to the Blog!

Greetings readers!

Long time no blog! After a long and busy summer, another semester is well underway here at Suffolk. Books have been bought, classes have begun, and in my case, a Commuter Rail pass has been secured.

As far as the summer went, I had an internship at the State House and spent a lot of time catching up with old friends. I also went on two InterFuture conferences to plan and design the research topic that I will be studying when I go to London next semester. InterFuture is a study abroad program that gives me the unique ability to study a topic of my choice while I am abroad instead of taking classes. I am studying the accessibility and use of contraceptives among secondary students in London and potentially South Africa. Planning all of this certainly kept me busy this summer!

That was summer, though, and now it is time for school! Honestly, I was very ready to come back to Suffolk and get into the daily grind. So far, I love all of my classes. I am taking Spanish 201, Race and Politics in South Africa (to aid me in my InterFuture endeavors), Feminist Philosophy, and the Built World, a science class that I am taking online. And of course, I am working as a Trustee Ambassador in Admissions and as an SU101 Teaching Assistant again. These jobs have been, by far, two of the most rewarding things I have done with my time at Suffolk.

Overall, I am ecstatic to be back on the streets of Boston for classes, work, and club meetings. I am slowly growing accustomed to my daily rides on the Commuter Rail, too, so I predict that this semester will be a fantastic one!

1 comment:

Sara said...

So glad that you're back! :)