Monday, April 14, 2008

And So It Begins...

Hola, blog readers. I am writing at the beginning of what seems to be a very hectic week. With only two more weeks of classes left, professors are piling on more work than ever. Of course, though, there is always time to blog.

Amid writing a research paper and preparing a group project, I will be able to enjoy some perks this week. Wednesday is the launch of Suffolk's literary magazine, Venture. I worked on the Editorial Staff of the magazine this year and am really looking forward to the event. Then, on Thursday I will be attending the SGA Leadership Awards. Nominated students, clubs, and organizations will be recognized for their active efforts and involvement on campus. It should be a good time. Seems as though there will be a lot of free food in my future.

This week also marks my very last Biology lab EVER. There could not be more of a reason to celebrate.

After these two weeks go by, I will have three final exams and then it will be time to move out of Miller Hall. I am not looking forward to the packing process, or to saying goodbye to everyone here, but it will be nice to get back to North Andover for the summer. If all goes well, I will have a summer internship along with my hostessing job I've had since high school. Keeping busy and saving money will be key.

I will be leaving the office soon and taking a much needed nap. Then, it's time to hit the books and get ready for the week ahead.


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