Monday, September 15, 2008

Week 2 Begins

Happy Monday, readers!

Lately, I have become quite the Food Network fiend. So much, in fact, that after watching Ace of Cakes, my mom and I decided to try our luck at a cheeseburger cake for my boyfriend's birthday this weekend. After finding pictures of many a cheeseburger-cake-gone-wrong in my Google searches, I was pretty worried, but it came out surprisingly well!

Now it is Monday, however, and I can no longer bask in my cheeseburger cake glory. Oh, who am I kidding. I am going to bask in my cheeseburger cake glory forever. But, anyways, today is a fairly laid back day. I just had two classes and am working in the office until 5:30. Then, after work I am attending free college night at the Museum of Science!

As for tomorrow, the Temple Street Fair is taking place during Activities Period. This is when many of the clubs and organizations at Suffolk set up tables and hand out flyers to inform students of what they do on campus. It is a great opportunity for students to find out about clubs that interest them so that they will get involved! They also have food, games, and prizes, so it makes for a very fun afternoon.

I am also looking forward to Wednesday because the SU101 class that I am a Teaching Assistant for will be handing in their Scavenger Hunt findings! Last week, we gave them a list of things to find on Suffolk's campus and around Downtown Boston in order to get familiar with the area and the resources our community offers. On Wednesday, we are collecting their results and determining the winners!

And last, but not least, Thursday is my birthday! It is sure to be an interesting day, as I am spending the evening at my three year-old brother's pre-school ice cream social. He's super cute so I decided a picture of him was blog-worthy.

Then, on Friday I am staying in the city to celebrate with some wonderful people!

All in all, I love September. Enjoy the week!


Sara said...

The cake is AMAZING!!! And your little brother is super cute! Happy (early) Birthday! :)

Kristin said...

I agree with you taking as much time as you want to bask in the cheeseburger cake glory! It looks good, you'll have to tell me how to do it!