Anyways, I have returned from Spring Break and am getting into the daily grind again. I enjoyed being home for a week with my family, but it is nice to be back in the city with everyone. After all, there is only a month left in the semester. I really cannot believe that this year went by so quickly.
I left for Spring Break on an especially happy note, as my friend, Brian LeFort was elected President of the SGA. Beckee (my fellow Ambassador) and I ordered a cake with Brian's picture on it from Mike's Pastries in the North End and celebrated with a big group of friends. It was a wonderful way to kick off the weekend.
Next week looks to be a little crazy with a Biology exam and two papers due. Also, next Wednesday will mark The Suffolk Voice's 50th issue. I have been writing for The Voice since November and have loved every minute of it. For such a young organization, The Voice is constantly expanding and making a name for itself on campus. READ IT! http:www.thesuffolkvoice.net :)
That's all for now, though. Enjoy the week!
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