What better way to spend a rainy Friday afternoon than to update my blog?
Most of my weekend will be filled with writing papers and working, so I am looking forward to milking this wonderful Friday for all it's worth. Tonight I am headed to my favorite spot in the North End, Al Dente, for my friend Jess' birthday. Then, we're going to get together with some others for what I imagine will be an enjoyable evening. I feel so lucky to have made such meaningful friendships here at Suffolk. In the past two years, I have met some of the most amazing people I know.
Sunday will be sure to set the pace for the chaotic week ahead, as I will be up bright and early to give tours at the accepted students Showcase event. It will be a long day, but it is always nice to spend some time with the Ambassador group.
Aside from papers and exams, there is a Dinner Theatre performance next week, as well as the 50th issue of the Suffolk Voice (yes, I mentioned this before, and yes, I will mention it again). At least there are a couple fun things to get me through the week.
So, here I am on this rainy Friday keeping my fingers crossed for a relaxing, sunny weekend. With a friend's birthday to celebrate and Showcase on Sunday, though, I will without a doubt be in good company, and really, what more can one ask for?
Happy Weekend,
Friday, March 28, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I Am Technologically Deficient

Anyways, I have returned from Spring Break and am getting into the daily grind again. I enjoyed being home for a week with my family, but it is nice to be back in the city with everyone. After all, there is only a month left in the semester. I really cannot believe that this year went by so quickly.
I left for Spring Break on an especially happy note, as my friend, Brian LeFort was elected President of the SGA. Beckee (my fellow Ambassador) and I ordered a cake with Brian's picture on it from Mike's Pastries in the North End and celebrated with a big group of friends. It was a wonderful way to kick off the weekend.
Next week looks to be a little crazy with a Biology exam and two papers due. Also, next Wednesday will mark The Suffolk Voice's 50th issue. I have been writing for The Voice since November and have loved every minute of it. For such a young organization, The Voice is constantly expanding and making a name for itself on campus. READ IT! http:www.thesuffolkvoice.net :)
That's all for now, though. Enjoy the week!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Stress Free Life
Good afternoon, all. It's another beautiful day in the city, and I'm enjoying a shift in Admissions with my lovely fellow Ambassadors.
SGA Executive Board elections are next week, so yesterday was the first ever SGA Open Forum. It was actually really interesting to hear from the candidates and ask them questions. One of the students running for President is a good friend of mine, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! When students aren't involved on campus they often feel disconnected from the SGA and the Suffolk community, but I really think he could work to bring the student body closer together. No matter where one ends up for college, getting involved can make a world of difference. Through my work as a Trustee Ambassador, SU101 TA, Voice writer, and Venture Editorial Staff member, I have had some of the most amazing experiences and made some of the greatest friendships.
The rest of the week went well. No exams or papers due, so things were carefree and I couldn't be happier. Tuesday I spent a couple hours helping conduct interviews for next year's SU101 TAs (SU101 aims to help students with the transition from high school to college). It was fun to be on the other end of the interview process and hear from students. Then, on Wednesday I enjoyed a trip to the MFA with one of my friends. We get free admission with our Suffolk IDs, so it's definitely something to take advantage of.
Next week might be a little more hectic. I have more TA interviews, an English midterm, and a Spanish essay due. I also have to go to Harvard's Museum of Comparative Zoology for my Biology class. So, school is definitely keeping me busy. Classes for next semester are available to look at online now, so I've been planning my classes for the fall. I think I am going to take two classes for my English major and my second Science requirement. I'm not sure what my fourth class will be, but I still have time to figure it out. Hopefully I will be able to sort things out after I go for advising. Every student is matched with a faculty member in their department to help them plan what classes to take. It's been a great asset to me here.
Other than that, not much else is happening. Tonight two of my friends from home are coming into the city to visit me so that should be exciting!
Here's to a happy weekend,
SGA Executive Board elections are next week, so yesterday was the first ever SGA Open Forum. It was actually really interesting to hear from the candidates and ask them questions. One of the students running for President is a good friend of mine, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! When students aren't involved on campus they often feel disconnected from the SGA and the Suffolk community, but I really think he could work to bring the student body closer together. No matter where one ends up for college, getting involved can make a world of difference. Through my work as a Trustee Ambassador, SU101 TA, Voice writer, and Venture Editorial Staff member, I have had some of the most amazing experiences and made some of the greatest friendships.
The rest of the week went well. No exams or papers due, so things were carefree and I couldn't be happier. Tuesday I spent a couple hours helping conduct interviews for next year's SU101 TAs (SU101 aims to help students with the transition from high school to college). It was fun to be on the other end of the interview process and hear from students. Then, on Wednesday I enjoyed a trip to the MFA with one of my friends. We get free admission with our Suffolk IDs, so it's definitely something to take advantage of.
Next week might be a little more hectic. I have more TA interviews, an English midterm, and a Spanish essay due. I also have to go to Harvard's Museum of Comparative Zoology for my Biology class. So, school is definitely keeping me busy. Classes for next semester are available to look at online now, so I've been planning my classes for the fall. I think I am going to take two classes for my English major and my second Science requirement. I'm not sure what my fourth class will be, but I still have time to figure it out. Hopefully I will be able to sort things out after I go for advising. Every student is matched with a faculty member in their department to help them plan what classes to take. It's been a great asset to me here.
Other than that, not much else is happening. Tonight two of my friends from home are coming into the city to visit me so that should be exciting!
Here's to a happy weekend,
Monday, March 3, 2008
Happy Monday!
I've had an especially busy, yet enjoyable start to my week. Mondays are always the most hectic, with three classes and work until 6, but I'm in the home stretch. On a very happy note, it has been gorgeous outside today and I am ecstatic! 48 degrees!
Tonight will be spent reading up on my Biology (ugh) and writing an article for The Suffolk Voice (link to the right!). Lately, I've been writing articles about different Beacon Hill attractions. Sometimes we get so caught up in classes and work that we forget about all the city has to offer, but I've been venturing out to boutiques, restaurants, etc. and reporting my findings. It's been a great way to take advantage of the city. There really is nothing better than being in Downtown Boston.
This weekend was very low key. I must admit, though, I spent a significant amount of time getting food in the North End (more than once). Between the pasta, pastries, and pizza, it's impossible not to eat there constantly. Yesterday I just hung around the dorm and caught up on some homework. I'm really going to miss living in Miller Hall next year. At least I'll still get to take in that 19th floor view whenever I give tours!
So, on this 48 degree Monday, I am pretty content:) I'm sure the week will bring some chaos, but with the sun shining and my new affinity for cranberry apple tea, I think it's going to be a good one.
Tonight will be spent reading up on my Biology (ugh) and writing an article for The Suffolk Voice (link to the right!). Lately, I've been writing articles about different Beacon Hill attractions. Sometimes we get so caught up in classes and work that we forget about all the city has to offer, but I've been venturing out to boutiques, restaurants, etc. and reporting my findings. It's been a great way to take advantage of the city. There really is nothing better than being in Downtown Boston.
This weekend was very low key. I must admit, though, I spent a significant amount of time getting food in the North End (more than once). Between the pasta, pastries, and pizza, it's impossible not to eat there constantly. Yesterday I just hung around the dorm and caught up on some homework. I'm really going to miss living in Miller Hall next year. At least I'll still get to take in that 19th floor view whenever I give tours!
So, on this 48 degree Monday, I am pretty content:) I'm sure the week will bring some chaos, but with the sun shining and my new affinity for cranberry apple tea, I think it's going to be a good one.
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