Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Be in love with your life

Long time no blog!

I can't believe Thanksgiving break is mere hours away! I am heading home tonight and am looking forward to a relaxing break from classes. Unfortunately, I do have a lot of work to get done while I'm home. This includes, but is certainly not limited to preparing fo
r my Teach for America final interview next Wednesday!

Anyways, before we get into Thanksgiving break, let's backtrack a bit. The past few weeks have been filled with a lot of exciting things, especially Ambassador gatherings! Earlier in the month, Beckee had all of the Ambassador girls (and Andrew!) over her apartment and we had a blast. Then, last weekend, Kristin had all of the Ambassadors over for a classy potluck dinner party. We took five million pictures and had a wonderful time.

needless to say, I will miss being in the city with all of these wonderful people, but am definitely looking forward to cuddling with my dog on the couch for five days. Then, there are only two weeks of classes left when we get back, and then the Winter Ball! Things may be stressful, but there is certainly a lot to look forward to.

And with that, I am heading out of the office and back to the suburbs! I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with lots of good food and good company!

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