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I am trying to update more frequently so that I can tell of all my London adventures!
A couple weekends ago, April (the other InterFuture scholar I am living with) and I went up North with our host sister, Ella, to visit the University of Sheffield. While Ella attended an Open House-type event, April and I explored the city and did some shopping. Lucky for us, it was an absolutely gorgeous day! I have really enjoyed getting out of London and seeing other parts of England during my time here.
Then, early last week, two fellow InterFuture girls, who are studying in Madrid,
came to visit London for a few days. It was so nice to see them and exchange stories of our lives and research abroad. One of the nights they were here, we went to see the musical Avenue Q and it was absolutely hilarious. I am hoping to get to a few more shows in the West End before I leave. They have great discounts for students.
I also had an interview last week with a health educator at a local school. I loved talking with her, and she even gave me the name of someone else to contact for my research. Tomorrow, I will be attending a one-day sex education conference hosted by the Sex Education Forum, a subset of the National Children's Bureau. The day will be filled with presentations on research and new approaches to sex education. I am hopeful that it will provide me with a lot of good background information for my report, and also an opportunity to network with local health educators.
I really love it here. If I had the money and the means, I would stay for the summer in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, though, I will be going back to work at Aeropostale as soon as I get home so I can start saving for an apartment! I guess that brings me to the fact that I decided not to go to South Africa. It was a really difficult decision, but it just isn't the right time/situation for me. I know I will get there at some point, just not this Fall. I am looking forward to being in Boston for the entirety of my senior year. Although living in the city will empty my bank account, I won't have to get on the commuter rail every day, and I will get to see my friends more often. I think it will be a great year. But, of course, let's not jump the gun - I still have 3 weeks in London!
The past week has been absolutely crazy! Last Friday my Mom and Aunt arrived in London and we spent the entire
week sightseeing, shopping, and traveling! It was a lot different from the un-regimented, laidback time I have been spending in London for the past two months, but it was a nice change.
We spent Sunday as quintessential tourists: Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum,
a bus tour around the city, and shopping at Harrods. I also took them to Camden Market, a huge outdoor market with everything you could imagine, and we had dinner at the Tate Modern, an art museum with amazing views of London. Then, on Monday it was time for Paris! We were only there for a few days, but it was absolutely beautiful. I need to go back some day. Over the last few days of their stay, we went on a tour of the Tower of London, had afternoon tea at an adorable hotel, saw Abbey Road, and celebrated my Aunt's birthday. It was really nice to have them here. I had been a little homesick, and it was the perfect remedy. Now I am ready to continue work on my project and enjoy my final month in London!
I have just over a month left in London. I have been here far longer than I have yet to be here, and soon it will all come to an end. It's so depressing. I have been trying not to dwell on it, but despite how busy I have been, it feels like the days are slipping through my fingers. I need more time!
Anyways, in the spirit of focusing on the present, I will update you all on what I have been doing. Last weekend I went to Oxford, Windsor, and Bath. While in Bath, I was able to meet up with a friend from home who is studying there this semester. All three are beautiful cities, and I am so glad I ventured out into other parts of England. I plan to do a bit more exploring outside of London before I leave.
On Monday, I went on the London Eye with the girls I am here with, April and Tram, and Tram's boyfriend, Mike. At first I was worried about being up so high, but it moved so slowly that I could barely tell when we were at the top. I was able to get some great pictures of London. Then, last night we got cheap tickets for Wicked! It was such an amazing show. From the storyline, to the performances, to the set, it was an absolutely flawless musical and I am so happy I saw it.
A few hours ago my Mom and Aunt arrived at Heathrow. They are spending the night at a hotel close to the airport and making their way up to Muswell Hill, where I live, in the morning. I am so excited to see them (naturally, I have become a bit homesick) and we have a great itinerary. I will be sure to blog about their visit next week!
And of course I have been working on my project. I had an interview with a health educator at a school in East London a couple weeks ago and have continued to stay in touch with her. I have another interview scheduled, am doing loads of project-related reading, and quite a bit of writing, too. Overall, it's coming along smoothly.
That's it for now. Cheers!
I apologize for my lack in posting - it seems like there is always something to do in London!
It's hard for me to believe I've been here for a month already. I am trying to take in everything London has to offer because before I know it I will be on a plane back to Boston. As part of the InterFuture program, we have a final conference in Amsterdam before we come home, though, so it will be great to reunite with everyone after an exciting semester apart. After the conference, I think fellow Ambassador, Beckee and I are going to do a bit of European exploring, and then of course I will be Bay State bound once again.
As for what I have been up to lately, work has been getting done, but there is still a lot of free time. I am realizing
more and more how unique (and strange) the InterFuture program really is. I am completely on my own schedule - I don't have classes to go to or any day to day obligations at all really. I just need to finish my research in three months, and how I decide to do that is up to me. It makes for a lot of down time, which has made me a bit restless since I'm used to always being on the go in Boston, but I am learning to embrace the chance to reflect on being here. The project itself has been moving pretty slowly, though, so I am hoping things will pick up soon. It has been difficult for me to gain access into schools to interview students and health teachers, but I do have an interview this Thursday so I am hoping it will go well.
Other than that, I am continuing to do the tourist thing and am also anxiously awaiting the arrival of my Mom and Aunt. They are coming in on the 13th for a week-long visit and I am beyond excited to see them. I am going to spend a few days showing them around London, and then we are heading to Paris!
Au Revoir!